SPRO Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 4.52%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $0.00
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $57,336.41

Spero Therapeutics Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Spero Therapeutics by year and by quarter.

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Spero Therapeutics Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $1.29
Price Change: Price Decrease of -0.02 (-1.53%)
As of 10/3/2024 04:15 PM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for SPRO up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Spero Therapeutics Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
8/27/2024Ankit MahadeviaDirectorSell5,912$1.35$7,981.20759,085View SEC Filing Icon  
8/27/2024Sath ShuklaCEOSell2,757$1.35$3,721.951,140,809View SEC Filing Icon  
8/27/2024Timothy KeutzerCOOSell2,213$1.35$2,987.55531,837View SEC Filing Icon  
8/5/2024Sath ShuklaCEOSell17,641$1.31$23,109.711,143,566View SEC Filing Icon  
8/2/2024Sath ShuklaCEOSell14,800$1.32$19,536.001,161,207View SEC Filing Icon  
9/13/2023Kamal HamedInsiderSell39,496$1.27$50,159.92576,461View SEC Filing Icon  
8/29/2023Sath ShuklaCEOSell4,163$1.30$5,411.90572,500View SEC Filing Icon  
8/28/2023Ankit MahadeviaDirectorSell9,040$1.26$11,390.40788,792View SEC Filing Icon  
8/28/2023Timothy KeutzerInsiderSell1,854$1.26$2,336.04325,290View SEC Filing Icon  
2/3/2023Ankit MahadeviaCEOSell12,286$1.81$22,237.66797,832View SEC Filing Icon  
2/2/2023Sath ShuklaCFOSell9,504$1.83$17,392.32312,517View SEC Filing Icon  
2/2/2023Timothy KeutzerCOOSell3,394$1.86$6,312.84327,144View SEC Filing Icon  
9/22/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderSell1,901,796$2.25$4,279,041.003,419,435View SEC Filing Icon  
8/29/2022Sath ShuklaCFOSell6,017$0.89$5,355.1356,064View SEC Filing Icon  
4/26/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy39,727$5.24$208,169.485,321,231View SEC Filing Icon  
3/30/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy50,000$8.79$439,500.00View SEC Filing Icon  
1/31/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy125,000$11.59$1,448,750.00View SEC Filing Icon  
1/24/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy1,599$10.89$17,413.11View SEC Filing Icon  
1/18/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy48,488$12.41$601,736.08View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2022Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy8,867$12.93$114,650.31View SEC Filing Icon  
12/27/2021Ankit MahadeviaCEOSell8,000$14.58$116,640.00View SEC Filing Icon  
10/29/2021Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy150,000$17.53$2,629,500.00View SEC Filing Icon  
9/30/2021Aquilo Capital Management, LlcMajor ShareholderBuy134,543$18.65$2,509,226.95View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Spero Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SPRO)

25.60% of Spero Therapeutics stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at SPRO by year and by quarter.

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Spero Therapeutics Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
8/9/2024Renaissance Technologies LLC975,952$1.27M0.0%+14.2%1.808%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Atlas Venture Life Science Advisors LLC535,336$0.70M0.1%-11.9%0.992%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/6/2024Acadian Asset Management LLC1,071,860$1.39M0.0%+40.6%1.985%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/20/2024Virtu Financial LLC18,180$31K0.0%N/A0.034%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/16/2024Murchinson Ltd.873,910$1.50M0.1%+1.3%1.622%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/14/2024Anson Funds Management LP3,750,450$6.45M0.4%-12.7%6.959%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2024Acadian Asset Management LLC762,598$1.31M0.0%+121.8%1.415%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2024Vanguard Group Inc.1,653,432$2.84M0.0%+0.6%3.068%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/6/2024Atlas Venture Life Science Advisors LLC607,613$1.05M0.1%-40.0%1.128%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2024ADAR1 Capital Management LLC1,067,711$1.57M0.6%N/A2.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2023Rock Springs Capital Management LP57,373$69K0.0%-91.4%0.109%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2023AWM Investment Company Inc.333,400$0.40M0.1%-13.0%0.632%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/13/2023Acadian Asset Management LLC272,024$0.33M0.0%+56.8%0.516%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2023Anson Funds Management LP3,444,862$5M0.8%+3.0%6.537%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2023AWM Investment Company Inc.383,400$0.56M0.1%-70.5%0.729%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2023Atlas Venture Life Science Advisors LLC1,013,438$1.47M0.2%-1.7%1.928%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2023Acadian Asset Management LLC173,539$0.25M0.0%N/A0.330%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2023Royce & Associates LP22,851$33K0.0%N/A0.043%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/3/2023Mackenzie Financial Corp17,198$25K0.0%N/A0.033%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/27/2023Virtu Financial LLC22,195$32K0.0%N/A0.042%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/15/2023Anson Funds Management LP3,344,862$4.85M0.8%+10.8%6.363%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/17/2023Bourgeon Capital Management LLC25,600$37K0.0%+95.4%0.049%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2023AWM Investment Company Inc.1,300,400$2.25M0.3%-43.5%3.708%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2022Alphabet Inc.889,979$1.78M0.1%N/A2.538%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2022Anson Funds Management LP1,473,872$2.95M0.3%N/A4.203%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2022Murchinson Ltd.762,700$1.53M0.4%N/A2.175%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2022BVF Inc. IL1,929,376$3.86M0.2%-37.6%5.501%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/21/2022Weitzel Financial Services Inc.14,200$28K0.0%N/A0.040%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2022Kingsbury Capital Investment Advisors LLC60,844$45K0.1%N/A0.185%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/27/2022Assenagon Asset Management S.A.131,020$97K0.0%+466.6%0.399%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/17/2022Rock Springs Capital Management LP990,913$8.62M0.2%+4.8%3.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/16/2022Eversept Partners LP59,639$0.52M0.0%N/A0.182%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/16/2022Granahan Investment Management LLC113,322$0.99M0.0%-70.1%0.346%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/11/2022GSA Capital Partners LLP25,916$0.23M0.0%N/A0.079%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/6/2022Sentinel Pension Advisors Inc.42,000$0.37M0.1%+39.1%0.128%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/5/2022New York State Common Retirement Fund17,123$0.15M0.0%-68.1%0.052%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/3/2022Bourgeon Capital Management LLC63,096$0.55M0.1%+23.1%0.193%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/25/2022Assenagon Asset Management S.A.23,123$0.20M0.0%N/A0.071%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2022Williams Jones Wealth Management LLC.75,000$1.20M0.0%-28.9%0.232%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/10/2022Rafferty Asset Management LLC34,958$0.56M0.0%+86.1%0.108%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2022BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA8,997$0.14M0.0%+107.2%0.028%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2022Dimensional Fund Advisors LP371,222$5.94M0.0%+12.6%1.148%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022Sentinel Pension Advisors Inc.30,200$0.48M0.2%+49.5%0.093%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022Northern Trust Corp253,200$4.05M0.0%-1.8%0.783%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/4/2022IndexIQ Advisors LLC28,689$0.46M0.0%-6.1%0.089%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/3/2022OUP Management Co. LLC249,070$3.99M1.8%N/A0.771%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/2/2022New York State Common Retirement Fund53,728$0.86M0.0%-24.6%0.166%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/31/2022Bourgeon Capital Management LLC51,246$0.82M0.2%+22.8%0.159%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/28/2022Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC10,186$0.16M0.0%N/A0.032%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/21/2022Russell Investments Group Ltd.7,250$0.12M0.0%-11.0%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/10/2022Patriot Financial Group Insurance Agency LLC4,150$66K0.0%N/A0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2021BVF Inc. IL1,809,352$33.31M1.3%-15.4%5.628%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Rock Springs Capital Management LP941,543$17.33M0.4%-2.5%2.929%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Royal Bank of Canada180,102$3.32M0.0%+8,249.7%0.560%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Granahan Investment Management Inc. MA555,614$10.23M0.2%+67.0%1.728%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Dimensional Fund Advisors LP329,633$6.07M0.0%-12.0%1.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Brandywine Global Investment Management LLC58,400$1.08M0.0%N/A0.182%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company14,276$0.26M0.0%-10.4%0.044%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Geode Capital Management LLC444,914$8.19M0.0%+7.5%1.384%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Goldman Sachs Group Inc.137,579$2.53M0.0%+1.0%0.428%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021IndexIQ Advisors LLC30,543$0.56M0.0%+11.1%0.095%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Citigroup Inc.16,085$0.30M0.0%-59.1%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Rafferty Asset Management LLC18,789$0.35M0.0%-21.4%0.058%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Alliancebernstein L.P.11,934$0.22M0.0%-16.2%0.037%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Bourgeon Capital Management LLC41,746$0.77M0.2%N/A0.130%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Barclays PLC9,965$0.18M0.0%+79.1%0.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021BlackRock Inc.1,802,528$33.19M0.0%+1.3%5.607%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2021Russell Investments Group Ltd.8,147$0.15M0.0%-53.1%0.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/5/2021Advisor Group Holdings Inc.2,548$46K0.0%-74.7%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/2/2021New York State Common Retirement Fund71,220$1.31M0.0%+42.8%0.222%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/1/2021SG Americas Securities LLC10,617$0.20M0.0%N/A0.033%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2021Janney Montgomery Scott LLC26,000$0.48M0.0%+10.6%0.081%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/20/2021Sentinel Pension Advisors Inc.20,200$0.37M0.1%N/A0.063%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
9/3/2021Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC29,947$0.42M0.0%-4.7%0.093%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/17/2021Metropolitan Life Insurance Co NY6,987$98K0.0%+139,640.0%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/17/2021MetLife Investment Management LLC9,977$0.14M0.0%+392.0%0.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2021California State Teachers Retirement System33,446$0.47M0.0%+8.2%0.104%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2021Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.60,496$0.85M0.0%+13.4%0.188%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2021State Street Corp810,738$11.32M0.0%-40.2%2.522%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2021Goldman Sachs Group Inc.136,262$1.90M0.0%-46.7%0.424%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2021Northern Trust Corp260,886$3.64M0.0%+8.9%0.812%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2021Liberty Wealth Management LLC27,920$2M0.1%+1,296.0%0.087%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2021Geode Capital Management LLC413,761$5.78M0.0%+13.8%1.287%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2021Vanguard Group Inc.1,276,790$17.82M0.0%+15.4%3.972%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2021ProShare Advisors LLC11,608$0.16M0.0%N/A0.036%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2021Dimensional Fund Advisors LP374,443$5.23M0.0%+9.3%1.165%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2021JPMorgan Chase & Co.115,856$1.62M0.0%+69.0%0.360%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2021The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company15,941$0.22M0.0%+18.5%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2021Bank of New York Mellon Corp66,595$0.93M0.0%+5.4%0.207%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2021BlackRock Inc.1,778,822$24.83M0.0%+0.1%5.533%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/11/2021Deutsche Bank AG15,215$0.21M0.0%+9.0%0.047%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/10/2021State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System11,007$0.15M0.0%N/A0.037%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/10/2021Citigroup Inc.39,330$0.55M0.0%-54.2%0.132%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/10/2021Rafferty Asset Management LLC23,898$0.33M0.0%-65.3%0.080%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/4/2021IndexIQ Advisors LLC27,484$0.38M0.0%-6.7%0.093%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/4/2021Russell Investments Group Ltd.17,369$0.24M0.0%-64.7%0.058%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/3/2021Bedel Financial Consulting Inc.3,837$54K0.0%N/A0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/2/2021New York State Common Retirement Fund49,891$0.70M0.0%-14.8%0.168%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/2/2021Advisor Group Holdings Inc.10,063$0.14M0.0%-76.2%0.034%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/30/2021Alliancebernstein L.P.14,234$0.20M0.0%+31.4%0.048%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Spero Therapeutics logo
Spero Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on identifying, developing, and commercializing novel treatments for multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacterial infections and rare diseases in the United States. The company's product candidates include tebipenem pivoxil hydrobromide (HBr), an oral carbapenem-class antibiotic to treat complicated urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis for adults; SPR206, an intravenous-administered antibiotic against MDR Gram-negative pathogens comprising carbapenem-resistant enterobacterales (CRE), acinetobacter baumannii, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as negative bacterial infections in the hospital setting; and SPR720, a novel oral antibiotic agent for the treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease. It has license agreement with Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. to support the development of tebipenem HBr; Everest Medicines to develop, manufacture, and commercialize SPR206 in Greater China, South Korea, and Southeast Asian countries; and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated for patents relating to SPR720, as well as SPR719, an active metabolite. Spero Therapeutics, Inc. was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Read More on Spero Therapeutics

Today's Range

Now: $1.29
Low: $1.28
High: $1.34

50 Day Range

MA: $1.33
Low: $1.19
High: $1.44

52 Week Range

Now: $1.29
Low: $0.99
High: $1.89


118,487 shs

Average Volume

199,881 shs

Market Capitalization

$69.65 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Spero Therapeutics?

Spero Therapeutics' top insider investors include:
  1. Sath Shukla (CEO)
  2. Ankit Mahadevia (CEO)
  3. Ankit Mahadevia (Director)
  4. Kamal Hamed (Insider)
  5. Timothy Keutzer (COO)
  6. Timothy Keutzer (Insider)
  7. Sath Shukla (CFO)
Learn More about top insider investors at Spero Therapeutics.