DRRX Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 3.20%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $0.00
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $0.00

DURECT Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at DURECT by year and by quarter.

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DURECT Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $1.29
Price Change: +0.30 (1.20%)
As of 11/12/2024 01:00 AM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for DRRX up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

DURECT Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
8/19/2022Judith J RobertsonDirectorBuy9,412$0.85$8,000.20356,132View SEC Filing Icon  
8/17/2022Judith J RobertsonDirectorBuy10,189$0.85$8,660.65275,189View SEC Filing Icon  
8/11/2022Gail J MaderisDirectorBuy24,796$0.70$17,357.20174,796View SEC Filing Icon  
8/9/2022Gail J MaderisDirectorBuy70,307$0.64$44,996.4870,307View SEC Filing Icon  
5/26/2022Judith J RobertsonDirectorBuy65,000$0.39$25,350.00265,000View SEC Filing Icon  
5/24/2022Mohammad AzabDirectorBuy30,000$0.39$11,700.0060,000View SEC Filing Icon  
5/18/2022Gail M FarfelDirectorBuy29,911$0.41$12,263.51100,000View SEC Filing Icon  
5/16/2022Gail M FarfelDirectorBuy25,300$0.39$9,867.0070,089View SEC Filing Icon  
5/13/2022Gail M FarfelDirectorBuy9,250$0.40$3,700.0044,789View SEC Filing Icon  
5/11/2022Gail M FarfelDirectorBuy9,950$0.40$3,980.0034,039View SEC Filing Icon  
5/9/2022Gail M FarfelDirectorBuy17,500$0.39$6,825.0017,500View SEC Filing Icon  
3/14/2022Judith J RobertsonDirectorBuy200,000$0.59$118,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
12/10/2021Norman SussmanInsiderSell9,000$1.05$9,450.00View SEC Filing Icon  
12/7/2021Simon X. BenitoDirectorBuy20,000$1.02$20,400.00View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for DURECT (NASDAQ:DRRX)

28.03% of DURECT stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at DRRX by year and by quarter.

Skip Institutional Buying and Selling Chart and Table DataRead Chart Data in Institutional Trading History Table

DURECT Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
11/5/2024GSA Capital Partners LLP41,790$56K0.0%-86.0%0.135%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Richmond Brothers Inc.1,072,014$1.38M2.7%+39.5%3.454%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024XTX Topco Ltd22,240$29K0.0%-52.7%0.072%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024Ingalls & Snyder LLC1,989,622$2.57M0.1%-1.3%6.410%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/30/2024International Assets Investment Management LLC21,550$28K0.0%+41.3%0.069%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/20/2024Accredited Investors Inc.87,627$0.11M0.0%N/A0.282%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/14/2024Gagnon Securities LLC380,131$0.46M0.1%+6.0%1.225%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2024Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.256,220$0.31M0.0%+10.8%0.826%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2024Richmond Brothers Inc.768,344$0.93M1.7%+48.2%2.476%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2024Richmond Brothers Inc.518,294$0.31M0.5%N/A1.737%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/17/2024Silverberg Bernstein Capital Management LLC46,853$28K0.0%N/A0.157%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2023Ironwood Investment Management LLC206,267$0.51M0.3%+144.6%0.747%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2023Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.195,020$0.49M0.0%+111.9%0.707%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023CM Management LLC525,000$1.31M1.4%+11.7%1.902%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023Accredited Investors Inc.56,800$0.14M0.0%N/A0.206%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023Barclays PLC41,600$0.10M0.0%+3,366.7%0.151%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2023Jump Financial LLC25,700$64K0.0%N/A0.093%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/3/2023Black Diamond Financial LLC21,000$52K0.0%N/A0.076%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2023Gagnon Securities LLC190,414$0.94M0.2%+12.3%0.778%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/4/2023CM Management LLC470,000$2.33M2.3%+17.5%1.919%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/3/2023Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC281,308$1.39M1.1%-1.2%1.149%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/27/2023Ingalls & Snyder LLC1,493,557$7.39M0.4%+22.9%6.099%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
6/1/2023Prelude Capital Management LLC12,542$57K0.0%N/A0.051%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/15/2023Ironwood Investment Management LLC87,028$0.39M0.2%+4.4%0.355%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Montchanin Asset Management LLC108,722$0.46M0.6%+74.9%0.444%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC284,808$1.29M0.9%+20.9%1.163%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.93,370$0.42M0.0%+2.3%0.381%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2023Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.23,631$0.11M0.0%-37.5%0.096%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/9/2023Ingalls & Snyder LLC1,214,857$5.50M0.3%+32.8%4.961%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/8/2023CM Management LLC400,000$1.81M2.2%+6.7%1.633%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
4/10/2023Gagnon Securities LLC169,599$0.77M0.2%+8.9%0.693%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
3/29/2023Diametric Capital LP11,094$38K0.0%-90.4%0.045%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/16/2023Montchanin Asset Management LLC62,148$0.22M0.3%-88.2%0.273%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2023Susquehanna International Group LLP11,954$41K0.0%N/A0.052%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2023Dalton Investments LLC75,000$0.26M0.2%-90.0%0.329%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2023Antara Capital LP517,071$1.79M0.1%-89.6%2.269%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2023Harbert Fund Advisors Inc.130,933$0.45M0.4%-89.7%0.575%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/10/2023Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.37,832$0.13M0.0%-90.0%0.166%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2023Bank of Nova Scotia24,039$83K0.0%N/A0.105%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2023Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.91,240$0.32M0.0%-89.5%0.400%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/9/2023CM Management LLC375,000$1.30M1.5%-90.0%1.646%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2023Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC235,508$0.82M0.4%-93.0%1.033%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2023Russell Investments Group Ltd.7,820$27K0.0%-90.0%0.034%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/7/2023Gagnon Securities LLC155,807$0.54M0.1%-89.5%0.684%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/1/2023Cowen Prime Advisors LLC46,930$0.16M0.1%-63.4%0.206%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/31/2023Ingalls & Snyder LLC914,932$3.17M0.2%-90.0%4.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/31/2023Ironwood Investment Management LLC83,378$0.29M0.2%-90.2%0.366%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/26/2023Regis Management CO LLC13,425$46K0.0%-90.0%0.059%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/20/2023DAVENPORT & Co LLC16,675$58K0.0%-90.0%0.073%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/13/2023Merit Financial Group LLC10,088$35K0.0%N/A0.044%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2022Montchanin Asset Management LLC525,011$0.30M0.4%+8.3%0.230%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/14/2022Ergoteles LLC928,000$0.54M0.0%-7.6%0.407%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2022Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC3,369,906$1.95M0.7%+9.8%1.480%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2022Raymond James & Associates214,500$0.12M0.0%-18.6%0.094%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/21/2022Ingalls & Snyder LLC9,124,505$5.28M0.3%+0.7%4.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2022Montchanin Asset Management LLC484,625$0.23M0.3%N/A0.213%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2022CM Management LLC3,750,000$1.79M1.9%+6.1%1.646%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2022Y Intercept Hong Kong Ltd96,793$46K0.0%N/A0.042%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/5/2022Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.374,253$0.18M0.0%+375.4%0.164%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/5/2022Dalton Investments LLC750,000$0.36M0.3%+106.8%0.329%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2022Gagnon Securities LLC1,479,219$0.71M0.1%+1.7%0.649%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/13/2022Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC3,070,296$1.47M1.0%+11.3%1.348%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/12/2022Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.78,730$53K0.0%N/A0.035%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/10/2022Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC2,759,671$1.85M1.0%+10.0%1.212%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/9/2022Gagnon Securities LLC1,454,219$0.97M0.2%+3.8%0.639%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/9/2022CM Management LLC3,535,732$2.37M2.0%+20.9%1.553%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/9/2022Tobias Financial Advisors Inc.48,981$33K0.0%N/A0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
5/9/2022Ingalls & Snyder LLC7,243,385$4.85M0.2%-0.8%3.181%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/11/2022Renaissance Technologies LLC2,911,430$2.87M0.0%-2.5%1.280%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022Gagnon Securities LLC1,401,051$1.38M0.2%+5.5%0.616%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022Cowen Prime Advisors LLC113,203$0.11M0.0%+27.7%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022ProShare Advisors LLC49,421$49K0.0%+70.5%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/8/2022Northern Trust Corp2,081,302$2.05M0.0%-14.7%0.915%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/7/2022SG Americas Securities LLC202,647$0.20M0.0%-21.6%0.089%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/3/2022Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC2,509,671$2.47M1.4%+6.1%1.103%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/2/2022CM Management LLC2,925,195$2.88M2.2%+10.4%1.286%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
1/18/2022Kovack Advisors Inc.25,000$25K0.0%N/A0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2021Two Sigma Advisers LP437,200$0.56M0.0%-49.5%0.192%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/16/2021Metropolitan Life Insurance Co NY32,153$41K0.0%-59.6%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Ancora Advisors LLC39,000$50K0.0%N/A0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Lion Point Capital LP15,486,004$19.82M3.7%+1.2%6.807%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.871,800$1.12M0.0%-5.2%0.383%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021Healthcare Value Capital LLC250,000$0.32M0.6%N/A0.110%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/15/2021GSA Capital Partners LLP447,176$0.57M0.1%+13.3%0.197%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Renaissance Technologies LLC2,985,930$3.82M0.0%-5.8%1.312%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company69,957$90K0.0%-52.2%0.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Credit Suisse AG230,700$0.30M0.0%+4.2%0.101%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Kings Point Capital Management820,330$1.05M0.1%+25.2%0.361%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/12/2021Geode Capital Management LLC3,873,448$4.96M0.0%+3.4%1.703%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Goldman Sachs Group Inc.191,336$0.25M0.0%-38.3%0.084%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/10/2021Citigroup Inc.56,360$72K0.0%+150.8%0.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Teacher Retirement System of Texas35,579$46K0.0%+35.6%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Beirne Wealth Consulting Services LLC2,365,807$3.03M1.7%+6.9%1.040%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Barclays PLC113,974$0.15M0.0%+286.7%0.050%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021BlackRock Inc.14,341,444$18.36M0.0%+0.3%6.304%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2021Principal Financial Group Inc.49,261$63K0.0%+36.2%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2021Swiss National Bank502,500$0.64M0.0%+3.2%0.221%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/2/2021Raymond James & Associates270,500$0.35M0.0%+4.2%0.119%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/2/2021New York State Common Retirement Fund133,306$0.17M0.0%-27.1%0.059%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/1/2021SG Americas Securities LLC258,369$0.33M0.0%+39.7%0.114%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
DURECT Corporation, a biopharmaceutical company, develops medicines based on its epigenetic regulator program. The company's lead product larsucosterol (DUR-928), an endogenous, orally bioavailable small molecule that is in Phase IIb clinical trial to play a regulatory role in lipid metabolism, stress and inflammatory responses, and cell death and survival to treat alcohol-associated hepatitis, as well as completed Phase Ib clinical trial to treat patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. It also offers ALZET product line that consists of osmotic pumps and accessories used for research in mice, rats, and other laboratory animals. In addition, the company offers POSIMIR, a post-surgical pain product to deliver bupivacaine over three days in adults; and Methydur to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It markets and sells its ALZET lines through direct sales force in the United States, as well as through a network of distributors in other countries. The company has strategic collaboration and other agreements with Virginia Commonwealth University Intellectual Property Foundation; Indivior UK Ltd.; and Innocoll Pharmaceuticals Limited. DURECT Corporation was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in Cupertino, California.
Read More on DURECT

Today's Range

Now: $1.29
Low: $1.26
High: $1.33

50 Day Range

MA: $1.38
Low: $1.22
High: $1.62

52 Week Range

Now: $1.29
Low: $0.48
High: $1.88


44,417 shs

Average Volume

135,119 shs

Market Capitalization

$40.04 million

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the major institutional investors of DURECT?

DURECT's top institutional shareholders include:
  1. GSA Capital Partners LLP — 0.13%
Learn More about top institutional investors of DURECT stock.

Which major investors are selling DURECT stock?

Within the previous quarter, DRRX stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. GSA Capital Partners LLP