NEM Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 0.06%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $400,340.70
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $5,149,172.53

Newmont Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Newmont by year and by quarter.

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Newmont Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $46.61
Price Change: Price Decrease of -1.14 (-2.39%)
As of 02/14/2025 04:59 PM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for NEM up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Newmont Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
2/3/2025Bruce R. BrookDirectorSell2,077$42.89$89,082.5349,993View SEC Filing Icon  
2/3/2025Natascha ViljoenCOOSell9,000$42.89$386,010.00136,967View SEC Filing Icon  
2/3/2025Peter TothEVPSell3,000$42.89$128,670.0079,596View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2025Bruce R. BrookDirectorSell2,077$40.00$83,080.0052,070View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2025Natascha ViljoenCOOSell9,000$40.00$360,000.00145,967View SEC Filing Icon  
1/10/2025Peter TothEVPSell3,000$40.00$120,000.0082,596View SEC Filing Icon  
11/27/2024Harry M. Conger, IVDirectorBuy9,498$42.15$400,340.7014,498View SEC Filing Icon  
10/1/2024Peter TothEVPSell3,000$53.81$161,430.0091,596View SEC Filing Icon  
10/1/2024Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell20,000$53.81$1,076,200.00271,469View SEC Filing Icon  
9/3/2024Peter TothEVPSell3,000$52.47$157,410.0094,596View SEC Filing Icon  
9/3/2024Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell20,000$52.47$1,049,400.00291,469View SEC Filing Icon  
8/1/2024Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell20,000$49.51$990,200.00311,469View SEC Filing Icon  
7/1/2024Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell13,000$42.13$547,690.00331,469View SEC Filing Icon  
1/2/2024Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell5,500$41.26$226,930.0054,251View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell5,500$40.25$221,375.0059,751View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2023Mark David EbelInsiderSell183$37.60$6,880.8021,771View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell5,500$37.60$206,800.0065,251View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$37.60$413,600.00234,039View SEC Filing Icon  
10/2/2023Mark David EbelInsiderSell183$36.47$6,674.0121,954View SEC Filing Icon  
10/2/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell5,500$36.47$200,585.0070,751View SEC Filing Icon  
10/2/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$36.47$401,170.00245,039View SEC Filing Icon  
9/1/2023Mark David EbelInsiderSell183$39.91$7,303.5322,137View SEC Filing Icon  
9/1/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell5,500$39.91$219,505.0076,251View SEC Filing Icon  
9/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$39.91$439,010.00256,039View SEC Filing Icon  
8/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$42.16$463,760.00267,039View SEC Filing Icon  
7/3/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$42.85$471,350.00278,039View SEC Filing Icon  
6/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$40.84$449,240.00289,039View SEC Filing Icon  
5/1/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$47.76$143,280.0081,751View SEC Filing Icon  
5/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$47.76$525,360.00300,039View SEC Filing Icon  
4/3/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$48.92$146,760.0084,751View SEC Filing Icon  
4/3/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$48.92$538,120.00311,039View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$44.25$132,750.0087,751View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$44.25$486,750.00322,039View SEC Filing Icon  
1/3/2023Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$48.23$144,690.0033,947View SEC Filing Icon  
1/3/2023Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$48.23$530,530.00199,949View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$48.42$145,260.0036,947View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$48.42$532,620.00210,949View SEC Filing Icon  
11/2/2022Mark CasperInsiderSell4,890$41.98$205,282.2018,217View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$43.02$129,060.0039,947View SEC Filing Icon  
11/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$43.02$473,220.00221,949View SEC Filing Icon  
10/3/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$42.71$128,130.0042,947View SEC Filing Icon  
10/3/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$42.71$469,810.00232,949View SEC Filing Icon  
8/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$45.35$136,050.0048,947View SEC Filing Icon  
8/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$45.35$498,850.00254,949View SEC Filing Icon  
7/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$59.43$178,290.0064,617View SEC Filing Icon  
7/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$59.43$653,730.00265,949View SEC Filing Icon  
6/30/2022Nancy K. BueseCFOSell10,000$61.50$615,000.0039,530View SEC Filing Icon  
6/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$67.64$202,920.0067,617View SEC Filing Icon  
6/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$67.64$744,040.00276,949View SEC Filing Icon  
5/12/2022Stephen P. GottesfeldEVPSell4,000$66.63$266,520.0087,753View SEC Filing Icon  
5/2/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$71.20$213,600.0070,617View SEC Filing Icon  
5/2/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell11,000$71.20$783,200.00287,949View SEC Filing Icon  
3/30/2022Nancy K. BueseCFOSell10,000$79.00$790,000.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/30/2022Nancy LipsonEVPSell19,866$79.00$1,569,414.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/23/2022Dean GehringEVPSell4,477$76.98$344,639.46View SEC Filing Icon  
3/9/2022Stephen P. GottesfeldEVPSell4,000$73.76$295,040.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/7/2022Blake M. RhodesSVPSell3,000$77.91$233,730.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2022Blake M. RhodesSVPSell500$66.94$33,470.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2022Robert D. AtkinsonCOOSell3,000$66.94$200,820.00View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2022Thomas Ronald PalmerCEOSell7,000$66.94$468,580.00View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Newmont (NYSE:NEM)

68.85% of Newmont stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at NEM by year and by quarter.

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Newmont Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
2/14/2025DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP89,598$3.34M0.9%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Wahed Invest LLC27,423$1.02M0.2%-2.2%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV31,448$1.17M0.0%-7.5%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.20,287$0.75M0.0%-17.1%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Keel Point LLC14,774$0.55M0.0%+2.0%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Caisse DE Depot ET Placement DU Quebec205,247$7.64M0.0%+8.1%0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Freestone Grove Partners LP8,497$0.32M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Parvin Asset Management LLC43,801$1.63M1.7%N/A0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Becker Capital Management Inc.610,658$22.73M0.7%-1.4%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Comerica Bank146,944$5.47M0.0%-22.5%0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Regal Partners Ltd1,951,753$72.64M7.4%+66.9%0.171%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Utah Retirement Systems157,171$5.85M0.1%-0.3%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Schonfeld Strategic Advisors LLC420,465$15.65M0.1%+520.6%0.037%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Ion Asset Management Ltd.6,000$0.22M0.0%-39.4%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Lido Advisors LLC9,821$0.37M0.0%+17.8%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Northern Trust Corp12,742,155$474.26M0.1%+11.5%1.119%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 809,032$30.11M0.0%-3.9%0.071%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Optiver Holding B.V.4,440$0.17M0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC146,040$5.44M0.1%-6.6%0.013%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Public Employees Retirement Association of Colorado155,541$5.79M0.0%-3.4%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Quarry LP2,476$92K0.0%-17.6%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Oxford Asset Management LLP43,022$1.60M0.8%+771.6%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Johnson Financial Group Inc.3,337$0.12M0.0%-74.5%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Boothbay Fund Management LLC7,506$0.28M0.0%-4.0%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Susquehanna Fundamental Investments LLC744,439$27.71M0.4%N/A0.065%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Coldstream Capital Management Inc.11,238$0.42M0.0%-24.6%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Cheviot Value Management LLC337,099$12.55M2.4%+2.0%0.030%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Nebula Research & Development LLC32,392$1.21M0.1%+94.4%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC19,483$0.73M0.0%-78.5%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Credit Industriel ET Commercial2,600$97K0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Voya Investment Management LLC228,853$8.52M0.0%-7.0%0.020%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC16,804$0.63M0.0%-4.0%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.155,049$5.75M0.1%+103.6%0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Adage Capital Partners GP L.L.C.1,063,700$39.59M0.1%-1.7%0.093%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC835$31K0.0%-58.8%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025MGO One Seven LLC49,419$1.84M0.1%-0.8%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Pinebridge Investments L.P.85,020$3.16M0.0%N/A0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD5,886,961$219.11M0.0%+12.1%0.517%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Turim 21 Investimentos Ltda.8,563$0.32M0.1%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025IHT Wealth Management LLC32,859$1.22M0.0%+88.6%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025J. Safra Sarasin Holding AG90,891$3.38M0.1%+207.2%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC10,064$0.38M0.0%-4.1%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Stifel Financial Corp696,719$25.93M0.0%+27.4%0.061%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025State of Tennessee Department of Treasury323,559$12.04M0.0%-6.9%0.028%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.386,282$14.31M0.1%-8.0%0.034%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky85,026$3.16M0.0%-1.2%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 76,218$2.84M0.1%+21.7%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025MML Investors Services LLC101,462$3.78M0.0%-2.7%0.009%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025MetLife Investment Management LLC301,346$11.22M0.1%+1.0%0.026%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Natixis528,071$19.66M0.1%+1,118.4%0.046%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Norinchukin Bank The58,211$2.17M0.0%+14.6%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Ossiam80,180$2.98M0.1%+73.1%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025BI Asset Management Fondsmaeglerselskab A S242,903$9.04M0.1%-2.7%0.021%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Capital Research Global Investors5,644,953$210.11M0.0%+70.7%0.496%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Claret Asset Management Corp31,462$1.17M0.2%-7.4%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025First Trust Advisors LP96,040$3.58M0.0%+9.9%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Dimensional Fund Advisors LP7,571,240$281.80M0.1%+9.1%0.665%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Forum Financial Management LP55,941$2.08M0.0%-1.5%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025GeoWealth Management LLC9,484$0.35M0.0%+44.0%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/14/2025Commerce Bank27,671$1.03M0.0%-12.3%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Co1,252,149$46.57M0.1%+6.4%0.110%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Canada Pension Plan Investment Board1,966,140$73.18M0.1%+3.3%0.173%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Strategic Investment Solutions Inc. IL628$25K0.0%-44.2%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Farringdon Capital Ltd.10,362$0.39M0.2%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Marshall Wace LLP1,437,333$53.50M0.1%+60.3%0.126%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025NewEdge Advisors LLC13,502$0.50M0.0%-27.8%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Evergreen Capital Management LLC80,038$2.98M0.1%+5.4%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025United Capital Financial Advisors LLC17,606$0.66M0.0%-22.0%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Gamco Investors INC. ET AL577,834$21.51M0.2%+10.2%0.051%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Gabelli Funds LLC2,804,587$104.39M0.8%-2.0%0.246%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Jump Financial LLC431,724$16.07M0.3%N/A0.038%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Bridgewater Associates LP1,405,888$52.33M0.2%+97.6%0.123%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025M Holdings Securities Inc.17,513$0.65M0.1%N/A0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Guggenheim Capital LLC305,341$11.37M0.1%-11.2%0.027%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Chiron Investment Management LLC51,352$1.91M0.6%-78.7%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Canada Post Corp Registered Pension Plan70,736$2.63M0.2%N/A0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025LaSalle St. Investment Advisors LLC32,885$1.21M0.4%+204.7%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025XTX Topco Ltd28,297$1.05M0.1%-41.4%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Belpointe Asset Management LLC9,749$0.36M0.0%+18.9%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025CreativeOne Wealth LLC11,214$0.42M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Mariner LLC650,538$24.21M0.0%+2.3%0.057%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Cohen & Steers Inc.200,416$7.46M0.0%-36.0%0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Ameritas Investment Partners Inc.11,093$0.41M0.0%-4.6%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Synovus Financial Corp15,608$0.58M0.0%-10.7%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025RE Dickinson Investment Advisors LLC3,056$0.11M0.1%+741.9%0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Kopernik Global Investors LLC755,147$28.11M3.1%N/A0.066%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Sagespring Wealth Partners LLC6,561$0.24M0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Townsquare Capital LLC30,613$1.14M0.0%+31.4%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Philadelphia Trust Co.241,659$9M0.7%-6.7%0.021%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Rockefeller Capital Management L.P.404,700$15.06M0.0%+4.9%0.036%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025NFP Retirement Inc.26,107$0.97M0.1%-4.5%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Sterling Capital Management LLC84,193$3.13M0.0%+1,532.6%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Jaffetilchin Investment Partners LLC13,805$0.51M0.0%-38.2%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Argent Trust Co42,169$1.57M0.1%+61.7%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Treasurer of the State of North Carolina697,005$25.94M0.1%+2.8%0.061%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Neuberger Berman Group LLC2,157,334$80.26M0.1%-63.2%0.189%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Redwood Park Advisors LLC998$37K0.0%N/A0.000%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Bank of Hawaii27,250$1.01M0.1%-18.4%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Scotia Capital Inc.75,758$2.81M0.0%-42.6%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
2/13/2025Phoenix Financial Ltd.10,668$0.40M0.0%+35.7%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Newmont logo
Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname, Argentina, Chile, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Ecuador, Fiji, and Ghana. The company was founded in 1916 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
Read More on Newmont

Today's Range

Now: $46.61
Low: $46.54
High: $47.91

50 Day Range

MA: $41.01
Low: $37.00
High: $47.79

52 Week Range

Now: $46.61
Low: $29.42
High: $58.72


9,887,660 shs

Average Volume

8,523,534 shs

Market Capitalization

$53.06 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Newmont?

Newmont's top insider shareholders include:
  1. Thomas Ronald Palmer (CEO)
  2. Natascha Viljoen (COO)
  3. Peter Toth (EVP)
  4. Robert D Atkinson (COO)
  5. Bruce R Brook (Director)
  6. Mark David Ebel (Insider)
  7. Harry M Iv Conger (Director)
Learn More about top insider investors at Newmont.

Who are the major institutional investors of Newmont?

Newmont's top institutional shareholders include:
  1. Vanguard Group Inc. — 11.87%
  2. Van ECK Associates Corp — 4.37%
  3. Geode Capital Management LLC — 2.17%
  4. First Eagle Investment Management LLC — 1.57%
  5. Norges Bank — 1.48%
  6. Bank of New York Mellon Corp — 1.29%
Learn More about top institutional investors of Newmont stock.

Which institutional investors are selling Newmont stock?

Within the last quarter, NEM stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. Neuberger Berman Group LLC
  2. FMR LLC
  3. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
  4. Legal & General Group Plc
  5. Arrowstreet Capital Limited Partnership
  6. International Assets Investment Management LLC
  7. Jane Street Group LLC
  8. First Eagle Investment Management LLC
Within the previous year, company insiders that have sold Newmont company stock include:
  1. Thomas Ronald Palmer (CEO)
  2. Natascha Viljoen (COO)
  3. Peter Toth (EVP)
  4. Robert D Atkinson (COO)
Learn More investors selling Newmont stock.

Which institutional investors are buying Newmont stock?

During the last quarter, NEM stock was acquired by institutional investors including:
  1. Norges Bank
  2. Capital Research Global Investors
  3. Renaissance Technologies LLC
  4. Invesco Ltd.
  5. Allianz SE
  6. Nordea Investment Management AB
  7. Amundi
  8. Northern Trust Corp