LYFT Insider Trading

Insider Ownership Percentage: 3.07%
Insider Buying (Last 12 Months): $0.00
Insider Selling (Last 12 Months): $10,385,036.83

Lyft Insider Trading History Chart

This chart shows the insider buying and selling history at Lyft by year and by quarter.

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Lyft Share Price & Price History

Current Price: $17.78
Price Change: Price Increase of +0.09 (0.51%)
As of 11/8/2024 01:00 AM ET

This chart shows the closing price history over time for LYFT up to the past year.

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Days: 30 | 90 | 365

Lyft Insider Trading History

Transaction DateInsider NameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionShares Held After TransactionDetails
9/16/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell2,424$11.32$27,439.68929,638View SEC Filing Icon  
9/12/2024Lindsay Catherine LlewellynInsiderSell4,243$12.00$50,916.00760,089View SEC Filing Icon  
8/27/2024Lindsay Catherine LlewellynInsiderSell8,486$11.76$99,795.36764,332View SEC Filing Icon  
8/27/2024Logan GreenDirectorSell10,323$11.62$119,953.26330,790View SEC Filing Icon  
8/20/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell7,188$11.40$81,943.20932,062View SEC Filing Icon  
7/1/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell3,000$13.81$41,430.0047,778View SEC Filing Icon  
6/28/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell3,500$14.01$49,035.0050,778View SEC Filing Icon  
6/3/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell6,500$15.77$102,505.0054,278View SEC Filing Icon  
5/29/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell3,327$15.74$52,366.98921,294View SEC Filing Icon  
5/28/2024Lisa Blackwood-KapralCAOSell9,083$15.67$142,330.61351,853View SEC Filing Icon  
5/20/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell7,923$16.54$131,046.42924,621View SEC Filing Icon  
5/3/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell3,500$17.50$61,250.0060,778View SEC Filing Icon  
5/1/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell6,500$15.54$101,010.0064,278View SEC Filing Icon  
3/21/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell193,200$20.04$3,871,728.00932,544View SEC Filing Icon  
3/21/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell16,000$20.00$320,000.0080,978View SEC Filing Icon  
3/4/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell3,500$17.51$61,285.0096,978View SEC Filing Icon  
3/1/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell6,500$16.30$105,950.00100,478View SEC Filing Icon  
2/29/2024Logan GreenDirectorSell11,867$15.69$186,193.23346,341View SEC Filing Icon  
2/26/2024Lisa Blackwood-KapralCAOSell18,065$16.06$290,123.90255,817View SEC Filing Icon  
2/20/2024John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell15,724$17.51$275,327.241,204,071View SEC Filing Icon  
2/14/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell5,670$15.02$85,163.40633,950View SEC Filing Icon  
1/2/2024Kristin SverchekPresidentSell5,669$14.16$80,273.04639,620View SEC Filing Icon  
12/26/2023Lisa Blackwood-KapralCAOSell18,581$15.26$283,546.06282,999View SEC Filing Icon  
12/14/2023John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell193,200$15.04$2,905,728.001,219,795View SEC Filing Icon  
12/14/2023Kristin SverchekPresidentSell5,669$15.00$85,035.00645,289View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2023Erin BrewerCFOSell22,354$12.70$283,895.801,906,812View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2023Kristin SverchekPresidentSell5,669$12.50$70,862.50650,958View SEC Filing Icon  
12/1/2023Lisa Blackwood-KapralCAOSell18,575$12.40$230,330.00301,580View SEC Filing Icon  
11/20/2023John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell18,255$10.33$188,574.151,416,322View SEC Filing Icon  
9/15/2023John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell14,952$11.29$168,808.081,422,952View SEC Filing Icon  
8/30/2023Logan GreenDirectorSell7,862$11.44$89,941.28472,970View SEC Filing Icon  
8/28/2023Prashant AggarwalDirectorBuy96,900$10.34$1,001,946.00971,269View SEC Filing Icon  
8/21/2023John Patrick ZimmerDirectorSell20,919$10.88$227,598.721,437,904View SEC Filing Icon  
8/11/2023Dave StephensonDirectorBuy8,826$11.33$99,998.5839,941View SEC Filing Icon  
8/11/2023John David RisherCEOBuy100,000$11.46$1,146,000.0012,375,185View SEC Filing Icon  
5/26/2023Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell1,827$8.27$15,109.2933,251View SEC Filing Icon  
5/22/2023Logan GreenDirectorSell21,013$8.06$169,364.78474,344View SEC Filing Icon  
2/27/2023Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell1,826$10.16$18,552.1635,078View SEC Filing Icon  
2/1/2023Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell1,826$16.65$30,402.9036,904View SEC Filing Icon  
11/28/2022Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell1,826$10.87$19,848.6238,730View SEC Filing Icon  
8/9/2022Kristin SverchekInsiderSell13,000$18.98$246,740.0070,350View SEC Filing Icon  
5/27/2022Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell553$17.94$9,920.8221,824View SEC Filing Icon  
3/29/2022Kristin SverchekInsiderSell3,938$40.00$157,520.00View SEC Filing Icon  
2/28/2022Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell554$38.70$21,439.80View SEC Filing Icon  
2/1/2022Kristin SverchekInsiderSell10,999$39.05$429,510.95View SEC Filing Icon  
1/4/2022Kristin SverchekInsiderSell8,857$45.06$399,096.42View SEC Filing Icon  
12/28/2021Kristin SverchekInsiderSell4,000$43.71$174,840.00View SEC Filing Icon  
11/29/2021Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell553$41.55$22,977.15View SEC Filing Icon  
11/26/2021Kristin SverchekInsiderSell8,858$40.90$362,292.20View SEC Filing Icon  
11/12/2021Mary Agnes WilderotterDirectorSell2,860$52.84$151,122.40View SEC Filing Icon  
See Full Table

SEC Filings (Institutional Ownership Changes) for Lyft (NASDAQ:LYFT)

83.07% of Lyft stock is owned by institutions. Institutional ownership can be a sign of analyst confidence in the fundamentals of the stock.

Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

This chart shows the instiutional buying and selling at LYFT by year and by quarter.

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Lyft Institutional Trading History

Reporting DateHedge FundShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
11/9/2024Landscape Capital Management L.L.C.145,562$1.86M0.2%N/A0.035%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/9/2024Primecap Management Co. CA6,491,590$82.77M0.1%+3.8%1.583%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Citizens Financial Group Inc. RI10,257$0.13M0.0%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024EULAV Asset Management310,000$3.95M0.1%+10.7%0.076%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Advisors Asset Management Inc.8,302$0.11M0.0%-12.4%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.1,821,726$23.23M0.1%-14.1%0.444%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/8/2024SouthState Corp23,972$0.31M0.0%+13.0%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2024Quest Partners LLC22,480$0.29M0.0%-8.7%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/7/2024Swiss National Bank732,500$9.34M0.0%+0.2%0.179%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/5/2024Victory Capital Management Inc.120,443$1.54M0.0%+2.1%0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/5/2024GSA Capital Partners LLP100,615$1.28M0.1%+13.9%0.025%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/5/2024Entropy Technologies LP80,462$1.03M0.1%-75.8%0.020%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Venturi Wealth Management LLC56,148$0.72M0.0%N/A0.014%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024Los Angeles Capital Management LLC24,290$0.31M0.0%N/A0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/4/2024State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D168,385$2.15M0.0%+16.4%0.041%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
11/1/2024Capital Performance Advisors LLP3,009$38K0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Catalyst Private Wealth LLC62,684$0.80M0.4%-6.1%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024QRG Capital Management Inc.23,590$0.30M0.0%-5.1%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/30/2024Cohen Capital Management Inc.10,389$0.13M0.0%-9.8%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Van ECK Associates Corp349,742$4.78M0.0%+19.3%0.087%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Janney Montgomery Scott LLC58,785$0.75M0.0%+31.0%0.015%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Campbell Capital Management Inc.362,700$4.62M1.8%+2.2%0.090%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/29/2024Optas LLC15,506$0.20M0.0%-8.1%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/28/2024Creative Financial Designs Inc. ADV7,871$100K0.0%+47.1%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/28/2024US Bancorp DE40,494$0.52M0.0%+25.9%0.010%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2024New York State Teachers Retirement System33,204$0.42M0.0%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/25/2024Pallas Capital Advisors LLC21,839$0.30M0.0%N/A0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024Hedges Asset Management LLC124,000$1.58M1.0%+4.2%0.031%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024Carret Asset Management LLC13,425$0.17M0.0%+13.8%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/24/2024Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC33,267$0.42M0.0%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/23/2024Allworth Financial LP7,282$93K0.0%+34.1%0.002%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/22/2024International Assets Investment Management LLC114,062$1.45M0.0%+4,469.8%0.028%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/22/2024Lecap Asset Management Ltd.219,276$2.80M0.6%+263.5%0.054%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/22/2024Private Advisor Group LLC19,282$0.25M0.0%-72.3%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/21/2024Venture Visionary Partners LLC20,867$0.27M0.0%N/A0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/19/2024Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC19,765$0.25M0.0%+2,103.5%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/18/2024Stratos Wealth Advisors LLC10,533$0.13M0.0%-26.5%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/16/2024Vontobel Holding Ltd.47,181$0.60M0.0%+21.7%0.012%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/11/2024Creative Planning15,840$0.20M0.0%-12.5%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/11/2024Wesbanco Bank Inc.22,281$0.28M0.0%N/A0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/8/2024CWM LLC42,656$0.54M0.0%+512.2%0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/8/2024Strategic Wealth Partners Ltd.30,150$0.38M0.0%-73.4%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
10/5/2024Bard Financial Services Inc.16,500$0.21M0.0%-36.9%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
9/20/2024Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund87,800$1.24M0.0%+251.0%0.022%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
9/5/2024Sanctuary Advisors LLC27,485$0.39M0.0%N/A0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/21/2024Truist Financial Corp26,030$0.37M0.0%-13.3%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/19/2024B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc.33,514$0.47M0.0%+40.9%0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2024Quarry LP3,554$50K0.0%+4,032.6%0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/16/2024Algert Global LLC213,039$3M0.1%+92.0%0.053%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Susquehanna Fundamental Investments LLC237,544$3.35M0.1%N/A0.059%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company81,375$1.15M0.0%-7.7%0.020%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Maverick Capital Ltd.48,639$0.69M0.0%N/A0.012%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Dark Forest Capital Management LP43,490$0.61M0.1%N/A0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Deerfield Management Company L.P. Series C32,516$0.46M0.0%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024AQR Capital Management LLC367,260$5.15M0.0%+5.6%0.091%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/15/2024Alpha DNA Investment Management LLC32,371$0.46M0.2%N/A0.008%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2024Marshall Wace LLP49,400$0.70M0.0%-96.1%0.012%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/14/2024Xponance Inc.38,666$0.55M0.0%-21.2%0.010%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Symmetry Investments LP118,431$1.67M0.2%N/A0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Huber Capital Management LLC631,189$8.90M2.0%+62.1%0.156%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Summit Trail Advisors LLC25,502$0.36M0.0%-34.1%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Thrivent Financial for Lutherans95,226$1.34M0.0%-1.5%0.024%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Sei Investments Co.65,296$0.92M0.0%-33.8%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Canada Pension Plan Investment Board1,601,400$22.58M0.0%+11.7%0.397%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/13/2024Benjamin Edwards Inc.5,113$72K0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Intech Investment Management LLC160,619$2.27M0.0%+33.0%0.040%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024XTX Topco Ltd41,160$0.58M0.0%N/A0.010%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024New Age Alpha Advisors LLC180,000$2.54M1.4%+17,900.0%0.045%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Marathon Trading Investment Management LLC10,970$0.16M0.0%-51.4%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Seven Eight Capital LP449,268$6.34M0.7%+8.9%0.111%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Vanguard Personalized Indexing Management LLC13,894$0.20M0.0%+9.1%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/12/2024Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV14,425$0.20M0.0%+12.8%0.004%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Edgestream Partners L.P.28,060$0.40M0.0%N/A0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Primecap Management Co. CA6,256,080$88.21M0.1%+1.5%1.551%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Renaissance Technologies LLC922,700$13.01M0.0%-73.0%0.229%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Dimensional Fund Advisors LP185,280$2.61M0.0%+0.8%0.046%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA196,959$2.78M0.0%N/A0.049%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.2,480$35K0.0%N/A0.001%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/9/2024Thompson Siegel & Walmsley LLC13,000$0.18M0.0%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024Scholtz & Company LLC25,815$0.36M0.2%N/A0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024Main Street Financial Solutions LLC29,217$0.41M0.0%+9.4%0.007%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024Qsemble Capital Management LP10,781$0.15M0.0%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/8/2024State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D144,650$2.04M0.0%-32.4%0.036%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2024ClariVest Asset Management LLC119,072$1.68M0.2%N/A0.030%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2024Headlands Technologies LLC170,438$2.40M0.3%+41.7%0.042%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/7/2024Daiwa Securities Group Inc.11,000$0.16M0.0%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/6/2024Quest Partners LLC24,635$0.35M0.0%+28,545.3%0.006%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/5/2024Private Advisor Group LLC69,697$0.98M0.0%+300.9%0.017%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/5/2024Arizona State Retirement System104,053$1.47M0.0%+9.4%0.026%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/5/2024Victory Capital Management Inc.117,967$1.66M0.0%-17.4%0.029%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/3/2024National Bank of Canada FI1,192,910$16.67M0.0%+27,739.2%0.296%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/3/2024SouthState Corp21,207$0.30M0.0%+27.9%0.005%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2024Rhumbline Advisers418,936$5.91M0.0%+2.2%0.104%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2024Carret Asset Management LLC11,800$0.17M0.0%+14.8%0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2024CIBC Asset Management Inc10,911$0.15M0.0%N/A0.003%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2024Hussman Strategic Advisors Inc.147,000$2.07M0.6%N/A0.036%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
8/1/2024Summit Financial LLC72,930$1.03M0.0%+448.4%0.018%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024Spire Wealth Management65,517$0.92M0.0%+372.5%0.016%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024Van ECK Associates Corp293,112$4.13M0.0%-6.4%0.073%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
7/31/2024Commonwealth Equity Services LLC43,728$0.62M0.0%+10.4%0.011%Search for SEC Filing on Google Icon
Data available starting January 2016

See Full Table
Lyft logo
Lyft, Inc. operates a peer-to-peer marketplace for on-demand ridesharing in the United States and Canada. It operates multimodal transportation networks that offer access to various transportation options through the Lyft platform and mobile-based applications. The company's platform provides a ridesharing marketplace, which connects drivers with riders; Express Drive, a car rental program for drivers; and a network of shared bikes and scooters in various cities to address the needs of riders for short trips. It also offers centralized tools and enterprise transportation solutions, such as concierge transportation solutions for organizations; Lyft Pink subscription plans; Lyft Pass commuter programs; first-mile and last-mile services; and university safe rides programs. The company was formerly known as Zimride, Inc. and changed its name to Lyft, Inc. in April 2013. Lyft, Inc. was incorporated in 2007 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
Read More on Lyft

Today's Range

Now: $17.78
Low: $17.17
High: $17.95

50 Day Range

MA: $12.96
Low: $10.80
High: $17.78

52 Week Range

Now: $17.78
Low: $8.93
High: $20.82


28,925,410 shs

Average Volume

13,179,118 shs

Market Capitalization

$7.29 billion

P/E Ratio


Dividend Yield




Who are the company insiders with the largest holdings of Lyft?

Lyft's top insider shareholders include:
  1. John David Risher (CEO)
  2. Erin Brewer (CFO)
  3. John Patrick Zimmer (Director)
  4. Prashant Aggarwal (Director)
  5. Lindsay Catherine Llewellyn (Insider)
  6. Kristin Sverchek (President)
  7. Logan Green (Director)
  8. Lisa Blackwood-Kapral (CAO)
  9. Dave Stephenson (Director)
  10. Mary Agnes Wilderotter (Director)
Learn More about top insider investors at Lyft.

Who are the major institutional investors of Lyft?

Lyft's top institutional shareholders include:
  1. Primecap Management Co. CA — 1.58%
  2. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. — 0.44%
  3. Swiss National Bank — 0.18%
  4. Campbell Capital Management Inc. — 0.09%
  5. Van ECK Associates Corp — 0.09%
  6. EULAV Asset Management — 0.08%
Learn More about top institutional investors of Lyft stock.

Which major investors are selling Lyft stock?

In the previous quarter, LYFT stock was sold by these institutional investors:
  1. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.
  2. Entropy Technologies LP
  3. Strategic Wealth Partners Ltd.
  4. Private Advisor Group LLC
  5. Bard Financial Services Inc.
  6. Catalyst Private Wealth LLC
  7. Stratos Wealth Advisors LLC
  8. Creative Planning
In the previous year, company insiders that have sold Lyft company stock include:
  1. John David Risher (CEO)
  2. Erin Brewer (CFO)
  3. John Patrick Zimmer (Director)
  4. Prashant Aggarwal (Director)
  5. Lindsay Catherine Llewellyn (Insider)
  6. Kristin Sverchek (President)
Learn More investors selling Lyft stock.

Which major investors are buying Lyft stock?

During the previous quarter, LYFT stock was purchased by institutional investors including:
  1. Primecap Management Co. CA
  2. Lecap Asset Management Ltd.
  3. Landscape Capital Management L.L.C.
  4. International Assets Investment Management LLC
  5. SG Americas Securities LLC
  6. Marathon Trading Investment Management LLC
  7. Van ECK Associates Corp
  8. Venturi Wealth Management LLC
Within the previous year, these company insiders have bought Lyft stock:
  1. John David Risher (CEO)
  2. Erin Brewer (CFO)
  3. John Patrick Zimmer (Director)
Learn More investors buying Lyft stock.